Net Preamble
To Net Control Operators: Please read and become familiar with the following prior to the start of the weekly net. Thank you for your assistance.
If you have any questions, please contact
NET TIME: Friday 9:00PM FREQUENCY: 145.23- PL 88.5 W1BOS
Is there any further business for the repeater before I begin the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network Net, This is (YOUR CALL __________).
This is (YOUR CALL__________), Net Control for the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, otherwise known as SATERN. This Net meets every Friday evening at 9:00 PM local time on the 145.23- repeater operated by the Boston Amateur Radio Club for the purpose of passing information having to do with The Salvation Army Disaster Services and Emergency Communications.
For those interested, the Salvation Army Eastern Territory SATERN HF meets every Saturday at 10:00AM local time on 7265 KHZ and the NATIONAL SATERN HF Net meets every Saturday at 11:00AM on 7265 KHZ.
At this time if there is any Emergency or Priority traffic for the net, please call (YOUR CALL__________). Hearing none, I would like to read the following statement of purpose so everyone listening has an idea of what we do. Hopefully many of you will then consider joining in the future.
SATERN is a corps of Amateur Radio volunteers who have united themselves with the Disaster Services program of the Salvation Army. This Group provides the Salvation Army with the nucleus of their communications support system in the event of an emergency.
The primary objectives of SATERN are:
1) To develop and maintain a corps of Amateur Radio operators, skilled in emergency trafficking and communications, to assist the Salvation Army during times of disaster.
2) Assist in training other Salvation Army personnel to access and use the resource of Amateur Radio for local, regional, national, and international disasters.
3)Development of training materials and exercises designed to enhance the use of Amateur Radio within the Salvation Army Disaster Service program.
Any licensed Amateur Radio Operator is eligible to serve as a volunteer member of the SATERN team. The only restriction of potential volunteers is that they cannot be currently be serving as a communications volunteer for another major private relief agency such as the Red Cross, so as to avoid any conflict. Volunteers may belong to RACES, ARES, Skywarn, or any local AMATEUR CLUB.
I will now take check in’s of SATERN Members.
Are there any further check-in’s for the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network Net, you do not need to be a member of SATERN to participate, or even live in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts this is (YOUR CALL _________).
If there are any comments or questions for the SATERN net please call now.
Bring up any Training, information of interest to the net or other comments
*** Continue until no further checkins are heard ***
Hearing no further check-ins or comments, I will now close the net and return the repeater to general amateur use. I would like to thank the members of the Boston Amateur Radio Club and the Trustee of the repeater and all those who stood by while i ran the net. This is (YOUR CALL)
Note:Following Info for reference only. Do not read unless requested
Michael S. Koenemund, KB1CKF Massachusetts Disaster Services/SATERN Coordinator
The Salvation Army
147 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116-5197
Disaster Services 24 Hour Emergency Answering Service - 617-536-7469
PLEASE SEND COPY of the Check-in LOG to:
Michael S. Koenemund, KB1CKF Massachusetts SATERN Coordinator
The Salvation Army
147 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116-5197
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